by admini | Aug 11, 2021 | Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Breitbart News, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Floods, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Corbett Report, The Great Reset, Tucker Carlson, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
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by admini | Aug 11, 2021 | Big Pharma, Blackrock, Breitbart News, Central Banking, CIA, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Educational, FBI, International News, Joe Biden, Media, MSM, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) announced on Tuesday that he will resign his office in
14 days after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women.
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by admini | Aug 10, 2021 | Antifa, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FAUCI, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
We are all explorers trying to find ourselves…
Some people around you will not understand your journey. They don’t need to; it’s not for them.
by admini | Aug 10, 2021 | Antifa, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Floods, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Corbett Report, The Great Reset, Tucker Carlson, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
500 trillion is the Rothschilds capital .. they have all taken this away from the rest of the world, enslaved
them.. There is a rumor that the actual amount of their wealth is a 1000 times 500 trillion. They have an
ocean of money money money and they all stole it from us.
If you wish to learn more, resources will be listed here soon!
by admini | Aug 10, 2021 | Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Climate Change, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Educational, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Media, Microsoft, MSM, Pandemic, Personal Development, US Military, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
I discuss some curiosities surrounding a huge fire that destroyed 90% of a town called Lytton.
Is the province being punished for lifting COVID restrictions? Did a famous philanthropist start
the flames to cover up findings of widespread injection injuries? Was this a stunt meant to boost
the Climate Change narrative? Was it arson, a train, HAARP or cell towers?
“The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 – Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 –
governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 – the Illuminati
controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake
events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 – Spirituality and
Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and
Rule #5 – this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through
outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government,
mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions.” — Sergeant Major (2010)