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Be the Change…

Mother Theresa

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank

“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~ Martin Luther King

“Never underestimate the power of passion.” ~ Eve Swayer

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Stop Struggling So You Can Start Shining By Katrina Love Senn

Do you find yourself struggling to succeed in your life? Would you like more ease and flow? If so, here are 8 ideas to help you stop struggling so that you can start shining instead…

1. Reconnect with your body through gentle yoga.
Your body holds many of the answers to the questions that you hold. Learn how to connect with your body through deep breathing, gentle stretching and self massage.

Even if you don’t have time for a full yoga class, you may be able to find time to sit down and meditate for 5 or 10 minutes. Focus on your breath, and begin by taking deep belly breaths, in and out of your body.

2. Put yourself in supportive environments.
Different environments affect your energy levels. Start to pay attention to the type of environments that drain your energy and what environments energize them. The more time you can place yourself in nourishing environments, the more ‘in-flow’ you will feel.

Think of a flower. When you place it in the sunshine with enough water it will flower beautifully. Just like the flower, you need to place yourself in the kind of environments that allow you to shine fully as well.

3. Always be true to yourself.
Being true to your self, means knowing your nature and who you are. I have found that personality testing and psychometric profiling can help us to better understand our true nature. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you to make better choices and decisions for yourself.

Useful tests are the Myers Briggs personality profile, as well as the Kolbe test, the Belbin test and the Wealth Dynamics profile. Another useful resource is the book by Dan Millman called ‘The Life You Were Born to Live’.

4. Express your feelings.
The key to living a life that you love is to get honest about how you really feel so that you can begin to express your true feelings.

When I was losing weight, learning how to express how I felt was an important part of my healing journey. By learning how to express my true feelings, I was able to begin my journey of emotional healing.

5. Journal your inner thoughts and feelings in a diary.
Struggle is an indication that you are living in a way that is out of flow with yourself and your values.

When you journal your inner thoughts and feelings you give yourself the chance to see things and experiences from a different perspective.

6. Reduce the dietary stimulants in your life.
How you feel is influenced by how much energy that you have. When you nourish your body by eating the foods that heal it, you will glow and radiate happiness naturally.

The types of stimulants that can rob you of this natural glow are any kind of food or substance that aggravates your internal organs. Common dietary allergens are foods that are made of wheat, dairy, sugar, artificial additives, preservatives and alcohol.

7. Listen to the messages that life is sending you.
Life is always talking to you but are you listening? Know that messages can come in many different forms.

Your body is always speaking to you through what feels good, as well notice what creates discomfort, struggle and pain. To hear these messages pay special attention to repetitive experiences and patterns.

8. Make your dreams bigger than your fears.
To stop struggling, it is necessary to create an empowering and inspiring vision that has the power to help you move beyond your fears.

Imagine your dreams manifesting by drawing on the power of your imagination. Engage all your senses. Visualize what your life would look like. What would it feel like? Smell like? What noises and sounds would you hear? What would it taste like?

Have fun engaging your imagination and making your dreams bigger than your fears. It truly is your birthright to create a body (and a life) that you absolutely love!

Katrina Love Senn is an International yoga teacher, healer and author of the ground-breaking book called ‘Losing Weight is a Healing Journey’. 15 years ago, a health crisis set Katrina on the path for deeper answers. Bedridden, she had to be spoon fed back to health by her own mother. During this time, Katrina learned how to heal her body from within, and also lost over 60 pounds naturally with no diets, deprivation or drugs. See Katrina’s website, www.KatrinaLoveSenn.com or contact her at Facebook and Twitter @KatrinaLoveSenn.