by admini | Sep 6, 2021 | Afghanistan , Barack OBama , Big Pharma , Bill Clinton , Bill Gates , Black Lives Matter , Blackrock , Central Banking , CIA , Clinton's Foundation , Corona Virus , Covid , Covid 19 , Covid Internment Camps , Davos , Donald Trump , Educational , EDWARD SNOWDEN , Facebook , FAUCI , Favorites , FBI , FREE MASONS , Government , Hillary Clinton , Human Trafficking , Immigration , INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE , International News , IRS , Joe Biden , JULIAN ASSANGE , Media , Microsoft , MSM , New World Order , Pandemic , Personal Development , Rockefeller , Rothschild's , Social Credit Score , Spamdemic , Spanish Flu , Sticky , Stock Market , Tech Oligarchs , The Great Reset , U. S. Elections , United Nations , US Government , US Military , US Military Alliance , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Passports , Vaccines , Vanguard , Voter Fraud , Whistleblower , White House , WHO , Wisdom , World Economic Forum , World Health Organization , World News
10 Surprising Facts About Afghanistan
Here are 10 facts about Afghanistan that will surprise you. The country of Afghanistan is officially
known as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
by admini | Sep 6, 2021 | Big Pharma , Bill Gates , Blackrock , CDC , CIA , Corona Virus , Covid , Covid 19 , Covid Internment Camps , Davos , Dominion , Donald Trump , Educational , EDWARD SNOWDEN , FAUCI , FBI , FREE MASONS , Government , Immigration , International News , Joe Biden , JULIAN ASSANGE , Media , Microsoft , MSM , New World Order , Pandemic , Rockefeller , Social Credit Score , Spamdemic , Spanish Flu , Sticky , Stock Market , Tech Oligarchs , The Great Reset , U. S. Elections , United Nations , US Government , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Passports , Vaccines , Vanguard , Voter Fraud , Whistleblower , White House , WHO , Wisdom , World Economic Forum , World Health Organization , World News
Top FDA Vaccine Officials RESIGN Over Fast-Tracked Booster Shot Approval By CDC, White House
by admini | Sep 4, 2021 | Classical , Classics , Ennio , Favorites , Favorites , Orchestra , Relax , Relaxer , Sofia , Stress Soother , Symphony , Symphony Orchestra
Ennio Morricone & Sofia Symphony Orchestra (2012)
by admini | Sep 4, 2021 | Barack OBama , Big Pharma , Bill Clinton , Bill Gates , Blackrock , Canada , CDC , Central Banking , CIA , Climate Change , Corona Virus , Covid , Covid 19 , Covid Internment Camps , Davos , Donald Trump , Educational , EDWARD SNOWDEN , Facebook , FAUCI , FBI , FREE MASONS , Government , Hillary Clinton , Human Trafficking , Immigration , International News , Joe Biden , JULIAN ASSANGE , Media , Microsoft , MSM , Nesara Gesara , New World Order , Pandemic , Personal Development , Rockefeller , Rothschild's , Social Credit Score , Spamdemic , Spanish Flu , Sticky , Stock Market , Susan Karim , Tech Oligarchs , The Great Reset , U. S. Elections , United Nations , US Government , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Passports , Vaccines , Vanguard , Voter Fraud , Whistleblower , White House , WHO , Wisdom , World Economic Forum , World Health Organization , World News
Importance of Stress Management
This video is dedicated to my beloved wife, Susan Karim who
passed away 8 years ago today on September 3, 2013 at the
age of 49 from Cancer!
It’s been 8 years now but we all miss you every day Susan!
With all the chaos going on around the world, if Susan Karim was alive
today, I strongly feel Susan would ask me to share this message with all
our family, friends, and loved ones!
by admini | Sep 3, 2021 | Afghanistan , Antifa , Barack OBama , Big Pharma , Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , Bill Clinton , Bill Gates , Black Lives Matter , Blackrock , Canada , CDC , Central Banking , CIA , Climate Change , Clinton's Foundation , Corona Virus , Covid , Covid 19 , Covid Internment Camps , Davos , Dominion , Donald Trump , Educational , EDWARD SNOWDEN , FAUCI , FBI , FREE MASONS , Government , Hillary Clinton , Human Trafficking , INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE , International News , IRS , Joe Biden , JULIAN ASSANGE , Media , Microsoft , MSM , New World Order , Pandemic , Personal Development , Rockefeller , Rothschild's , Social Credit Score , Spamdemic , Spanish Flu , Sticky , Stock Market , Tech Oligarchs , The Great Reset , U. S. Elections , United Nations , US Government , US Military , US Military Alliance , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccine Passports , Vaccines , Vanguard , Voter Fraud , Whistleblower , White House , WHO , Wisdom , World Economic Forum , World Health Organization , World News
Joe Biden is now an ‘international embarrassment’
America will “keep paying the price” for electing Joe Biden for “perhaps decades to come,”
according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.