by admini | Jun 5, 2021 | AGENDA 2030, AGENDA 21, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Blackrock, CDC, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Covid Internment Camps, DAVID MARTIN, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, EDWARD SNOWDEN, Event 201, FALL OF THE CABAL, FALL OF THE CABAL - SEQUEL, FAUCI, Favorites, FREE MASONS, Government, HEALTH, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, International News, Joe Biden, JULIAN ASSANGE, KLAUS SCHWAB, MODERNA, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, PFIZER, PLANNEDDEMIC, POPE FRANCIS, Rockefeller, Rothschild's, Self-Improvement, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, State Street, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, Vaccination Mandates Protest, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, VATICAN, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, WIKILEAKS, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
by admini | Jun 1, 2021 | AGENDA 2030, AGENDA 21, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Blackrock, Canada, CDC, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, Central Banking, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Covid Internment Camps, DAVID MARTIN, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, EDWARD SNOWDEN, Event 201, FALL OF THE CABAL, FALL OF THE CABAL - SEQUEL, FAUCI, Favorites, FDA, FREE MASONS, Government, Gun Control, HEALTH, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, International News, IRS, Joe Biden, JULIAN ASSANGE, KLAUS SCHWAB, Microsoft, MODERNA, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, PFIZER, PLANNEDDEMIC, POPE FRANCIS, Rockefeller, Rothschild's, Self-Improvement, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, State Street, Sticky, Stock Market, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, Vaccination Mandates Protest, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, VATICAN, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, WIKILEAKS, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
by admini | Apr 16, 2021 | Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins Steve Quayle to discuss COVID “vaccines,” more aptly described as experimental
genetically modified tools for the eugenics agenda. This 2-hr episode has been edited to focus on the effects
of the de-pop shots, including miscarriages, infertility, ALS, cancer, early-onset dementia, the issue of shedding, contamination of the blood supply, pharmakeia, flu shots, fraudulent PCR tests and the coming genocide via
pathogenic priming.
On a side note: Look into the World Council of Churches (WCC spoken is Wicca) and their alignment with
the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland to see how and why so many churches have been intentionally
subverted to promote a one-world governmental agenda. Down through the ages, religion has been an
effective means with which to fight against tyranny, however many churches today have been influenced
and corrupted.
by admini | Apr 5, 2021 | Antifa, Artificial Intelligence, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Canada, CDC, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Covid Internment Camps, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FAUCI, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, Government, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, Tucker Carlson, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
PM Trudeau and Health Minister Tam are sending travelers to Government Quarantine Facilities at their
own expense. Reports from individuals tell us that they are not safe or well equipped with basic services.
by admini | Mar 11, 2021 | Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Blackrock, Central Banking, CIA, Climate Change, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Corbett Report, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News