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The World’s Future MEGA PROJECTS (2017-2040’s)

A documentary on eight of the most ambitious mega-projects currently under development around the world, featuring: Istanbul’s building boom (Turkey); the Mission to put a human on Mars; the effort to develop Lagos (Nigeria); Africa’s unprecedented clean energy opportunity; the project to probe the nearest Earth-like exoplanet; Atlanta’s stadium of the future (Georgia, United States); India’s effort to modernize its highways; and China’s unprecedented One Belt One Road, “New Silk Road” initiative.

How to Meditate by Lawrence LeShan

How to meditate by Lawrence LeShan, is not a usual book of mediation and will not tell you that questioning is against meditation and the less you know the better you meditate. It wouldn’t lead you to show life’s depths, auras, your death and the chakra’s. Its a scientific book, which tells you the whys, hows and whats of meditation. The book seeks to teach everyone meditation irrespective of their caste and beliefs.

Why Meditate and The Benefits of Meditation
A psychotherapist himself, he shows you the scientific path. He tells the reader the benefits of meditation and the psychological and physiological benefits of meditation. He has seen results which he says are secondary benefits of meditation and the meditator should not focus on them. The book also shows the reader a way to avoid pitfall while meditating, like dropping heart pulse rates.

The Purpose of the Book
There are hundred of self-proclaimed scholars and teachers who teach people how to meditate if they do not ask questions. This, LeShan says, is not how you learn and is against methods of meditation. It is difficult to find a good teacher, and until you find one, start on your own.

The Ways of Meditation
LeShan gives a briefing and then a detailed insight of 11 different methods of meditation. He separates them as 10 structured types and 1 unstructured meditation. The previous chapters, build up to this differentiation. He shows the close resemblances and yet the different ways of meditation.

The first 3/4th book is beneficial to the reader. The latter chapters are the ones you can skip, unless, you want to know the medical benefits of meditation. LeShan has shown the benefits he was talking about so far and then there is a foreword by Edgar N. Jackson saying what should one take from Leshan’s book, which contains nothing about meditation and one can call it useless.

This book isn’t for the ones who believe in auras, deeper meanings of life, supernatural and, astronomical activities. This book is for the ones who seek to find peace in meditation and even for those who think meditation is not going to change anything.

How to Meditate by Lawrence LeShan
book review by Pervaiz “P.K.” Karim