by admini | Aug 5, 2021 | Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Central Banking, CIA, Climate Change, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MSM, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by Mike Adams.
Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical
contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.
by admini | Jul 27, 2021 | Antifa, Artificial Intelligence, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Floods, FREE MASONS, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Sticky, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
Who are Freemasons?
Gwinnett County Sheriff “Butch” Conway
Gwinnett County District Attorney “Danny” Porter
Georgia State Judge Hamill
R acketeering
I nfluenced and
C orrupt
O rganizations Act
by admini | Jul 19, 2021 | Antifa, Big Pharma, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, FBI, Floods, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Rothschild's, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy
at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face
and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul
of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the
body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. [Taylor Caldwell].
by admini | Jul 14, 2021 | Antifa, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Donald Trump, Educational, Human Trafficking, Immigration, International News, Joe Biden, Media, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, Tucker Carlson, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
[wp_media_videos id=”18″]
by admini | Jul 13, 2021 | ADRENOCHROME, AGENDA 2030, AGENDA 21, AI, Artificial Intelligence, AUSTRALIA, Barack OBama, Big Pharma, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Blackrock, BRAZIL, Canada, CDC, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Climate Change, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Covid Internment Camps, DAVID MARTIN, Davos, Dominion, Donald Trump, Educational, EDWARD SNOWDEN, Event 201, FALL OF THE CABAL, FALL OF THE CABAL - SEQUEL, FAUCI, Favorites, FBI, FDA, FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM, Floods, FREE MASONS, GENERAL FLYNN, Government, Gun Control, HEALTH, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, Immigration, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, International News, IRS, Joe Biden, JULIAN ASSANGE, KLAUS SCHWAB, Media, Microsoft, Mike Lindell, MODERNA, MSM, Nesara Gesara, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, PFIZER, PLANNEDDEMIC, POPE FRANCIS, Rockefeller, Rothschild's, Self-Improvement, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Spanish Flu, State Street, STEW PETERS, Sticky, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, United Nations, US Government, US Military, Vaccination Mandates Protest, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines, Vanguard, VATICAN, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, White House, WHO, WIKILEAKS, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
by admini | Jul 8, 2021 | Antifa, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Central Banking, Child Trafficking, CIA, Clinton's Foundation, Corona Virus, Covid, Covid 19, Davos, Educational, Facebook, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Human Trafficking, International News, Joe Biden, Media, Microsoft, MSM, New World Order, Pandemic, Personal Development, Social Credit Score, Spamdemic, Stock Market, Tech Oligarchs, The Great Reset, U. S. Elections, US Government, US Military, US Military Alliance, Vanguard, Voter Fraud, Whistleblower, WHO, Wisdom, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World News
Hope that more people start cancelling cable TV and boycotting companies like Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft,
Apple, Google and Amazon to counter censorship and corruption. ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to
counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance giants and politicians!