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3 Tips to Increase Your Personal Power

3 Tips to Increase Your Personal Power

3 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power

Personal power is never fully developed. Like your body, it needs exercise. Not a couple of times a week. Instead, conscious training several times a day. To develop habits that ingrain beliefs, values and help you become at one with yourself. When you know yourself, value yourself and stay true to you, you’ll find meaningful purpose in all areas of life. At the core of the true you is the ability to bring the best out in those around you.

That’s the makings of a true leader. Leading from a place of wisdom and not using positional power alone.

You can have positional power and personal power, but you cannot be an effective leader without personal power. Nor do you need the positional power to be a driving force for good in your own life and those around you.

 3 Tips to Boost Your Personal Power

  1. Strive to learn more

Commit to consistent learning and be broad about the topics you study. Study life and attend seminars and workshops to build your expertise. Most important is to learn more about yourself continually. Try new things, experiment, take some risks and put yourself into situations that make you feel vulnerable. Go to the cinema after work instead of feeling the need to have drinks with your colleagues, just because you feel the need to fit in. Do what feels right by you.

  1. Practice Mindful Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is among the most positive habits you can develop. Keeping a gratitude journal can serve you in multiple ways. You’ll feel better, sleep better, eat healthier, have stronger relationships with everyone important in your life, and you’ll feel happier for being grateful for everything you have surrounding you.

  1. Own Your Authenticity

Authenticity is about being true to you. It is only possible when you have in-depth knowledge and know your strengths and weaknesses. You will begin to act with deliberate intentions that are in line with your moral compass. You will know your place and when to delegate and how to go about using your relationship skills to get people to do things for you that you know they’ll do a better job than you could if you were to try.

That’s where coming from a place of personal power to influence others will help push you toward reaching your goals faster, because you will have strong relationships with people who value your input, expertise, trust your credibility and will help you when you ask, without hesitation.

If you live to make everyone happy, you’ll end up making no one happy. You will be miserable, and you will make everyone else miserable.

Make yourself happy and don’t worry about others!

Love you all,

“P. K.” The Calcutta Kid

© 2020 CalcuttaKid.com


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