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Thanksgiving Wishes to all our Friends and Family…

Thanksgiving Wishes to all our Friends and Family



The Speech That Broke The Internet – Most MOTIVATIONAL Ever

The Speech That Broke The Internet – Most MOTIVATIONAL Ever

Can you live an infinite life, despite it being finite? Are there any ‘rules’ as such to succeed in life
and make it worth living? What makes a great leader, and can you learn ‘leadership’? What is the
‘millennial problem’?

In this brief motivational and educational video, Simon Sinek – a British-American author and
inspirational speaker – gives valuable advice on having the right mindset, 5 rules to follow,
leadership, and helping the millennials and future generation in the best possible way.

If you found this video helpful and know of someone that would benefit from this video, please
share it.

How To Remember Everything You Learn

How To Remember Everything You Learn


18 Minutes by Peter Bregman

When I read the word length of Peter Bergman’s 18 minutes, it sounded a bit too long for a self-help novel, but the bite-size chapters, make it a really fast read.

The book focuses on elimination of distraction, time management and finding your focus. It does not overwhelm you with heavy words or phrases like most books, but instead in a very light-hearted way tells you about the choices that make difference.

18 Minutes by Peter Bregman has 3 core parts to it.

18 minute tells you to take a Pause and look at your goal and the things you are doing daily, are you really working towards your goal, and if you are, are you doing it right, Sometimes we get so involved in things that we lose track, but when you take a pause you can look at where you are headed and work on a plan.

Finish working before even before you have your lunch, so you have the entire day for yourself instead of working late and sleeping less when the deadline is closing.

The Goal
Most of the time we are overwhelmed with things at hand. It gets really difficult to know what you need to do. Everything we do has an impact on us daily and in the long run. Things that we want to do, people that we want to be and task that will help us get there in the long run should be our first priority.
In that way, we can prioritize what you want and organize your to-do list.

Daily Run
Getting distracted is very easy. So, to avoid distraction Bergman tells you to create distractions, proactive distraction, so when you get distracted you fall into doing something useful instead of wasting your time.

Suppose your long run goal is being a photographer, keep your camera near your desk, so you end up looking through the lens instead of starting to scroll down a screen.

The bits of advice mentioned in the book are not the one’s a reader must not have read or heard earlier, but the first person perspective accompanied with different case studies and a lot of mild humor is the one thing that sets the book apart.

18 Minutes by Peter Bregman
book review by Pervaiz “P.K.” Karim

Lip Service by Hal Becker

Lip Service by Hal Becker is a very bold attempt by the author. It is way out of the common books you read, and the uncommon always have a point between being greatly appreciated or getting discarded by the audience. You can almost feel Hals attorney or editor cancelled out a lot of words and pages from the book.

Hal Becker, an award-winning salesperson, a sales trainer and eventually a business owner took a minute out to look at all the services and the mess ups the big companies and their small-time employees make. He collected information about them and knew the right way around. He knows exactly where the employee messed up.

The 50 Stories
Lip Service has 50 unique stories about the worst customer service examples in America. Each story has a different character where Hal is an everyday person, an impatient New Yorker and sometimes someone who seemed to play along with the staff.

This puts the reader in the shoes of everyone and tells you what you could have done in a situation like that and it makes you laugh uncontrollably. Some references though not supposed to, make the company obvious because you have gone through it too! Otherwise, they are hard to crack. The different way a salesperson looks at the other, is what makes you go on reading.

10 Interviews
At the end of the book, there are 10 interviews with some big giants. In these interviews, Hal shows the reason why they are earning big and what differences they have in their customer services as compared to the stories you’ve read so far.

He tells that customer service is not what the lips say, its about what the company provides. What a company does is customer service, what it says, is Lip Service.

The unique point of Lip Service is that it almost holds an idea you can imply next time you have some problem with the customer services. It gives you your way around the normal approach. It is a really fast read and though it lacks the comedy punch, it could really be a good laugh if you can relate.

Lip Service by Hal Becker
book review by Pervaiz “P.K.” Karim