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100/40 Strategy
The book tells the reader to create a list of 100 people that are close to them. Not the influential people they have just met or could seek favors from, Networking as we know is crap, say Beaudine. But, people who have been with them and are their well-wishers. Next, he tells the reader to create a list of 40 things they want from life, their 40 goals.

It is impossible to get every 40 of those without seeking any help. These 100 people are the ones that are going to help you on your way up. They are going to make it possible for you. Know the power of who is going to be with you and who is here for fun.

The Life Events
The author has shared his life events to show his ways work, but more than that, it is just adorable to see the way he walks his talk. He shares an incident from his life about a basketball match and that chapter alone is the crux of the book. There are a lot of other events backing up every sentence in the book.

Reading it!
Each chapter has nearly same bite size length and the book being fairly small, yet it feels like a long read. There is a lot of repetition of the message and after a while the life events, which are funny and at times witty, seem to be the only difference in chapters. The advice is nothing the reader will have heard before, but the way you realize it, is different.

Beaudine says, that you’ll meet thousands of people over the ages, there are going to be hog callers, dream killers and people who want to see you succeed. Its you who decides, where you want to be. There are parts and events in the book that make The Power of Who, a book you’ll turn to, when you seek advice.

The Power of Who by Bob Beaudine
Book review by Pervaiz “P.K.” Karim